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Staff Directory

1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 24 of 80 constituents

Erin Abel

Secondary Counselor - Counselor

M'Lisa Aimoto

Paraeducator - Para - Resource

Curtis Baird

Secondary Teacher - Physical Education

Karim Al Shaddai Batiao

Custodian - Custodian

Sara Beith

Secondary Teacher - Social Studies

Jorge Benitez

Secondary Teacher - Art

Jeremy Blair

Secondary Teacher - Math

Shannon Brigham

Secondary Teacher - Social Studies

Thomas Brinker

Secondary SPED Teacher - Special Ed Resource

Andrea Brinkley

Secondary Teacher - Social Studies

Nicholas Burgess

Paraeducator - Para - Student Specific

Sandra Costi

Paraeducator - Para - Lifeskills

Sarah Coulson

Secondary Teacher - Science

David Crane

Principal - Principal

Joshua Curtiss

Secondary Teacher - Science

Renate Darby

Paraeducator - Para - Lifeskills

Patrick Egrubay

Assistant Principal - Assistant principal

Paula Fairchild

Secondary Teacher - Music/Orchestra

Chhrorng Flores

Secondary Teacher - Math

Marissa Flores

Paraeducator - Para - Student Specific

Veronica French

Secondary SPED Teacher - Special Ed Life Skills

Roxanne Garner

Office Professional - OPIII MS ASB

Erin Gleason

Office Professional - OPIII MS Registrar

Yukie Gourley

Paraeducator - Paraeducator